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Work From Home

Frequently Asked Questions


How do I join as SWA's Distributor ?

Answer   : 

Fill in your Particulars HERE and sign up as SWA's Distributor in our Perfect Pay Plan system.



How much money do I need to get started?

Answer   : 

First, you sign up as FREE enrollee from any OPT-in pages,

Second, purchase your PIN code and register as SWA member,

Third, your SWA business is ready.

-- For those who are new in internet marketing, they may join our online or offline training course (Chinese version) to learn how to promote SWA business online globally.



Is it the right choice to start my SWA internet business in this current state of economy?

Answer   : 

Internet marketers have not been affected by any current economy situation. Internet marketing is a global market where you can sell products to people in all countries of the world. Revenue from online ventures increases on a daily bases as more and more people become comfortable with making purchases online. The recession in the US has increased online spending in many industries as people can get their goods cheaper online than in retail stores. At Netbuilder EFH Affiliate program, we continue to teach our members how to utilize the Internet to earn extra incomes from selling products online. We will be more than happy to help you with your Internet marketing endeavors.



If I want to cancel my membership are there any fees or penalties?

Answer   : 

There is absolutely no set time that you need to remain a member, and you can cancel your membership at anytime. We do not charge you any cancellation fees or penalties either.



Will SWA business work globally?

Answer   :  

Absolutely! At Netbuilder EFH Affiliate with SWA, we have members from all over the world taking full advantage of the program. You can implement our techniques from anywhere with an Internet connection.



Can I subscript other Marketing Tools to promote my on line business after joining?

Answer   : 

Yes, you can select any of our available Marketing Tools and e-training program to become more professional Net builder at any time after joining our Affiliate Program. Once you are a member you can contact us for instructions on how to do so.


I am a Complete Beginner, can I still benefit from a Netbuilder EFH Affiliate and SWA membership?

Answer   : 

Yes! We provide a variety of resources, tools and tutorials to help beginners learn how to get started. The initial learning curve can be awkward; however Netbuilder EFH Affiliate will ease the learning steps through resources from our e-learning and coaching program with our full support.



How exactly does Internet Marketing Work ?

Answer   : 

SWA offering you tons of opportunity promoting its most powerful product - Supreme Wealth Library (SWL) worldwide to earn from home with us. You just follow the step-by-step how to become our Affiliate and start building your SWA business with the help from your Senior Leaders and Internet Marketing Gurus.

At Netbuilder EFH Affiliate program, we teach you everything you need to “Know How" about network marketing with SWA to great success, but if  you have your own marketing tools, you can still get help from us as well. Full support is offered within EFH Affiliate, so if you ever get stuck along the way there will be someone there to help you out.



How long will it take to start earning Money once I join SWA?

Answer   : 

Most members start earning money within the first week, or even first few days of being a member, however it will take you time to learn what we teach you. It takes time to build your online business once you learn the techniques, so you should consider that the first few weeks will be a learning process. You will make money while you learn. That's the beauty of Internet Marketing.



How much time do I need to work per day to Make Money Online?

Answer   : 

The entire Netbuilder EFH Affiliate program is built to work at your own pace. Whether you work a few hours a day, or a few hours a week, you can follow our step-by-step guides and tutorials to help you get up and running. Internet marketing is something you can spend as much or as little time working on and earn profits.



I do not have a Website and do not know how to make one. Can I still succeed?

Answer   : 

To benefit from SWA membership you are NOT required to build a website. You are given FREE from SWA. If you want to built a website of your own, you may contact us and join our training class to build one of your own to get started. With this being said, we provide the most advanced and easy to use website builder available with its ready made website and blog templates of your choices will allow you to create and publish a website online in hours.

* contact us to make the arrangement. email: netbuilder2u@gmail.com



I have bought several books and memberships online before. Why Netbuilder EFH program is different from others?

Answer   : 

Chances are there always. But maybe you don’t have the chances to learn and do the right foundation work before you start your internet business. In Netbuilder EFH program, you can start any time without knowing much about this preparation work, because you only do the 1% work and we do the rest for you. We are different. We not only "practice what we preach", we support each and every member in the exact same way.

Netbuilder EFH Program will continue to go above and beyond anything that you have ever seen before!


What is Netbuilder EFH Affiliate Program?

Answer   : 

This is the most valuable part in our SWA business with Netbuilder EFH Affiliate Program. Beside you joined as SWA Distributor, You are FREE to join our Netbuilder's  events, activities, e-learning and training session, marketing tools application and article's library for your internet business with Netbuilder EFH Network Marketing.

This may cost you thousands of dollar and years to get ready for your internet business.



Do you guarantee that I will succeed in this on line business?

Answer   : 

There is no way to guarantee you anything when you use the knowledge that you learn at Netbuilder EFH Affiliate to your business. HOWEVER, we do guarantee that we will teach you how to use and promote our proven techniques, and provide you with the highest level of support. We will teach you how to make money for yourself. We are here to guide and teach you what you need to “Know How” in this business to succeed.



Do I still need to be a membership after I have started my internet marketing with Netbuilder EFH Affiliate Program?

Answer   : 

Yes, there are always ways in which you can expand your business here, whether it is targeting new audiences, recruiting new affiliates or forming relationships with other like-minded individuals, EFH provides you with an environment where you can make it all happen. From beginner to advanced, Netbuilder EFH will always stay beside you if you are willing to stay active with us.



After I joined SWA Netbuilder EFH Affiliate Partner, can I recruit my prospect worldwide?

Answer   :  

Yes, you can introduce your SWA internet business anywhere in the world.



May I sell my products on line worldwide?

Answer   : 

Yes, you can sell your products anywhere in the world, but you need your own SWA corporate website and products to sell it by yourself. You can make use of our Marketing Tools and training for this SWA internet business.



How to get more members as my Netbuilder EFH Affiliate Partner?

Answer   :  

Well, this is a very important step for Netbuilder EFH Affiliate Partner to get more members today and earn passive income tomorrow. Here are some options for you as follows:

Option 1: internet marketing

Physically invite your friends to visit your landing website presentations and Opt-in pages to set up your email list. You can do this through Social marketing. Add as many friends from FaceBook, Friendster, YouTube, skype, Google Plus for Business, Twitter, Facebook and others. Promote your business and duplicate the same way of what you are doing to them.

email, video and Social Marketing

You can invite your friends to join our Netbuilder EFH Training Program “How to get started”, then show them how to earn from home. You can work together with them at the beginning. First, just prepare and get more email list and learn how to do social networking. Join Face Book, Google Plus, Twitter, Skype, MSN, yahoo and so on to get new people. Netbuilder EFH was design to do like this way. That is earning from home. Spend time to prepare a value and workable email name list.

Option 2: local presentation

Recruit your SWA Netbuilder EFH Affiliate Partner through OPP meeting (opportunity meeting organized by your Net Builder Affiliate). Bring your prospects to attend the meeting and make use of your Net Builder Affiliate’s presentation to recruit them. We have all the training modules in your management portal after you had attended our local training courses.

Option 3: local Coaching

Local coaching for internet marketing, when you have follower, you can present a coaching program for newbies to attend your classes to train them up as your team members to work together with you. Among all student, you may select some of them to promote your SWA business model to new prospects to join in and earn rewards from SWA


What is SWA Netbuilder EFH Affiliate Co-operative Marketing and How it work?

Answer  :  

SWA are willing to pay you commission when you bring customers to them. This is how our SWA Netbuilder EFH Affiliate Co-operative Marketing is working with SWA and earns what we work for. This is a long term passive incomes for Netbuilder EFH Affiliates. We just promote our most complete Supreme Wealth Library worldwide which will talk by itself and full range of internet marketing tools in the "SWL" for us to sell within our lifetime membership in this billion Dollar Industry.


How it work?

80% of millions internet marketers are looking for knowledge to earn from home. Since the world market are going more in this visual world, it had created tons of internet marketing success stories. But, unfortunately most of the internet marketers can't afford to spend money to attend training courses before they can survive. So, today SWA Netbuilder EFH business offers this huge population "All-In-A-Box" information how to DIY and promoting the SWA online business in a lifetime. As you can see we are ready to penetrate into this highly needy market who can afford, save time and more professional than before. 

Get member today and earn passive income tomorrow is our concept and slogan. That is what we call it Co-operative Network Marketing. Now ! do YOU get it.

Every person can start this Co-operative Network Marketing business with SWA for lifetime membership with all those Tools, Technique, ready make articles, advertisements, traffic and so on. You can check it out in any on line business, they can charge you for thousands of dollar just in tutorial for on line network marketing and you do the rest to own your website of your own presentation and do all your marketing job alone. How far you can go, nobody knows. You can make use of your computer to plug on line and make an instant MONEY making machine without any experiences in on line business to earn your massive income. Now, most of the people in the world say, “earn from home” is the best business model to earn individual income to overcome this bad economy problem. Then, we are just in time to be on track to success together. Are you on the BOAT now?

This business model can work only if you had seen the value in it. Firstly, we invite you to join us to feel the reality effectiveness to earn from home with us. It is almost RISK FREE for you to lose anything before you start to build your social community here and train up yourself to become our Affiliate Partner with our Tutorial Courses and Tools application. Then, it is your time to make a second decision to become our value SWA Net Builder. That will be more than fair enough for both of us to forward our future earn from home undertaking.

Yes, you are the BEST! 


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