About Netbuilder Club


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Message from CEO of SWA Netbuilder Club 

Dear Friends & Netbuilders,
Greetings and hope you are in great shape and motivation.  You need to go forward and onward and most importantly staying on focus within yourself and SWA ULTIMATE to accomplish our ultimate dreams.


My name is Andy Wong, CEO of SWA - Netbuilder Club and I live in Malaysia.  I would like to share the SWA ULTIMATE business – the easiest, simplest but yet rewarding internet online 100% Home Based Business of all times to YOU!
I am excited to share with you that SWA ULTIMATE business is moving forward and onward.  Soon the entire world will be talking about SWA ULTIMATE business.  I am ever willing to assist wherever I could to get you started to build your SWA ULTIMATE buiness.  Please do not hesitate to communicate with me accordingly.


Great results cannot be achieved at once, and we must be satisfied to advance in life as we walk - step by step.  If people were able to look into their future just a few hours, days, weeks, months, or a few years, many men/women would discover that they gave up and quit just short of reaching their goal.  They were on the brink of success but they lacked the persistence necessary to keep moving onward.  They could almost reach out and grasp the object of their heart's desire but they quit too soon.  Just a little more effort, a little more forward motion, a little more determination, persistence and patience would have crowned their efforts with success.


The world is full of starters.  It's the finishers that are scarce.  Why, with many starters, are there so few finishers?  For many reasons, most people drop out of the life race and choose to become spectators.  They drift with the times and move with the masses.


It's no secret that out of every hundred promising young men/women, only an average of five in number have the willingness, the grit, the determination, the staying power necessary to see a thing through to its successful conclusion.  There are many who are willing to chart a course
for successful achievement, but only a few are willing to pay the price necessary to achieve the object of their heart's desire.


Many are willing to move in the direction of success until the going gets tough.  When they are confronted with difficulty, when obstacles and roadblocks are strewn in their path, instead of plowing right through them, they stop and, failing to find an easy way out, their onward journey
is halted.  When the going gets tough, the tough gets going!


To reach the goal, to win life's race, we must never falter, never stop moving forward. There is no genius like that of onwardness in spite of difficulties.  If our cause is just, conquer them we must.  We must keep on keeping on no matter how dark the days, or how great the obstacles.


SWA Ultimate - A New Era of Learning for Internet Marketing Skills & Tactics:

Welcome to Supreme Wealth Alliances - SWA and its product the Supreme Wealth Library - SWL, the best source on the internet with more than 2,000 ebooks to learn about Internet Marketing. Earn from home with our amazing Pay Plan while you learn how to use from this amazing contents in your business, teaching or for just keeping in touch with your friends

Our Business Statement - “Earn While You Learn”

At SWA we build our value by promoting and implementing big ideas instead of just being limited by our own Skills and Tactics. Many Skills and Tactics start off with a burst of idealism and opportunity but over time they its need more friendly to innovation and new ideas. The SWA was measured by the price customers who are willing to pay versus for the value delivered.

Our Product

Supreme Wealth Library's product foundation is built to recognize and bring focus to the needs of our customers and internet marketers. SWA's customers will continue to receive new content and productive training that will support any business or cause communication objectives long after the customer’s initial activation.

Our Support

Supreme Wealth Alliances recognizes that customer support can be the most important contact a company has with its customers. The Support Staff’s mission is to ensure that the customer’s request will be handled with a goal of receiving a “completely satisfied” service rating. At Supreme Wealth Library we want the Company to Customer relationship to grow for years after the product was purchased.

The Management & Support Team

Our management team is composed of experienced business leaders and technology developers that have established business protocols that will support the Company’s growth objectives and the products emerging technology while providing world class service.

The SWA Netbuilder Club

It was established by a team of world class social networking leaders with step by step Skills & Tactics ebooks and Video training modules for their group to train up as professional Social Networkers.

Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much! 

Drive the car that you dream and not the car you can afford!

Your Partner in Success, 

Andy Wong

SWA Netbuilder Club

Earn From Home Program


Hi, 我是 Andy Wong,

歡迎你來到SWA 在家工作網賺與你分享何謂在家工作新富族、以及成為在家工作新富族的首要關鍵能力

故事總有個開頭,我在寫這篇文章的時候,是2012年的1223日. 每年到了這個時候直到過年這段期間,每一個人都會為自己的做今年的回顧,以及新年的新展望


做自己愛做的事,成為想要成為的. 那麼,這裡,就是專門為你設計的學習網.









喜歡到處旅行的人,他從事許多休閒活動,例如衝浪、玩音樂,或者任何喜歡的興趣. 他不在公司上班,也不需要在特定的時間工作,但卻因為擁有在家工作新富族的技能,而能在任何時間、任何地點都能擁有收入




你不一定要成為創業家,但你可能是一位喜自己工作的人或一般的網路使用者. 然而,坊間的課程卻都沒有這方面的解決方案.後來在網路上,陸續出現了一些有點類似網路在家工作新富族的教學課程,他們標榜著你可以因為他們的課程成為百萬甚至千萬富翁


經過我和我的團隊多年來的教學經驗,我們終於找到了解決的方法. 而這其中的關鍵就是在家工作新富族的必要技能.



以前,一個家庭需要幾個收入來源才足以維持生計呢? 一個就夠了。 現在,如果沒有兩個以上的收入來源,很少有家庭還能正常地生活. 而在未來,即使有兩個以上的收入來源可能也不足以維持生計,這個的時代馬上就要來臨了. 聰明的您,應該想辦法讓自己盡量擁有多種收入的來源,富有的人很早就知道這個觀念了. 如果其中一種收入來源出了問題,他們會有其他的收入來源來支援,來維持他們生活的質量,一般人的生活則脆弱得多,如果失去了一種收入來源可能就玩完了. 而且會需要好多年的時間,財務狀況才得以復原.


在未來,人們將會需要為自己規劃一套包含各種不同收入來源的收入組合,而不僅僅只是一二種而已. 而是由許多不同且種類分散的收入來源所組成的收入組合系統. 如此,即使失去了其中一種收入來源,您也不會感覺到有太大的影響. 您的財務狀況是穩定的,您的生活質量也是穩定的,您也有足夠的時間可以來進行調整,您的生命也是安全保證的. 也許是時候了,該增加一個收入來源了,如果您已經感受到這樣的危機感了.

歡迎大家參與招募自己身邊的親戚朋友一同來游覽 SWA EFH 或成為在家創業的會員。 一起來達成自己的宏業以賺取可觀的收入.


預祝你 實現你的夢想

Andy Wong

SWA Netbuilder Club

Earn From Home Program

Name: Andy Wong

eMail: netbuilder2u@gmail.com

Present Job:

Health Consultant, Network Marketing & Trainer.

He established a series of Internet Marketing Company in 2002 under the name of CYBOSS which means Cyber Boss to Work from Home and Earn While We Learn. 

In 2006, he established Netbuilder2u as a coach to provide online training for newbies, existing online workers from home and local training class for students who are interested to work online to earn extra income from internet marketing.

He involved in Home Based Business for more than 15 years as internet marketer, local coach and online trainer.

His training modules are mostly flexible to suit most people what exactly they want to add on in their online business. And also for newbies those who want to learn from very beginning, he do provide off line and online training courses.

Some of his hottest training modules for beginner as following :

1. How to create your own website for online marketing business ?

2. How and Why you need to create your Blog for your blogging marketing business ?

3. How to create your powerful linked image for your online business ?

4. How and Why you need name lists and Auto Responder for Email Marketing to promote your online business ?

5. How to create a powerful linked videos for your Video Marketing ?

6. How to Group your Google account and Google Plus for Business ?

7. How to set up your Google HangOut for group Meet Up training and communicating ?

8. How and Why you need Motivation during all the way in your Home Based Business ?

9. How and what are the marketing strategies to have a success online business ?

10. How and Why you need to upgrade yourself from time to time after you have learned the basic for online business ?

Some of his hottest training modules for Online Marketers as following :

1. How to create your squeeze landing page to set up your Opt-in page ?

2. How to promote your business through your name list with your Auto Responder's provider ?

3. SEO marketing.

4. Video Marketing.

5. Blogging Marketing.

6. Community Marketing.

He is now promoting the Supreme Wealth Library for those who want to upgrade their internet marketing skills and tactics to earn from home while learning. There are more than two thousands ebooks are available for you to download for FREE after you join as a SWA ( Supreme Wealth Alliance ) member with a life time membership subscription fee at RM220.00 ONLY.

Besides this, you can promote this SWL ( Supreme Wealth Library ) to others and at the same time you can earn a revenue share from SWA with the most powerful Pay Plan. Starting from here you can upgrade yourself from time to time, learn more internet marketing skills and tactics and earn from home while you learn.

This is the promises from us that you can use from what we teach you and earn from what you do after you had attended our coaching program locally.

Remember, today's IT technology are growing faster than what you learn. In future you are living in this visual world with a touch at your fingertips. If you are not keeping awareness to this new era and generation,  may be you are the one who spend money online and not the one who earn money online.

In this huge IT revolution wave, what you can do ?

Well, firstly you can do nothing and see others are crazy to enjoy the growth of this visual world.

Secondly, you can spend money online to do what others do.

Thirdly, you can earn money from internet marketing while you learn.

Last but not least, why not be a smart internet marketer to earn money while most people are willing to pay for your hard work online with just a fingertips on your smart phone goes online globally.

Start to built your funnel to attract some interesting people to your team after you had join us to attend our elementary coaching class and start making money online with us.

 © 2012 Prepared by SWA Netbuilder Earn From Home Program. No Reproduction in whole or in part without permission. All Right Reserved 


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